Monday, January 19, 2009

Great day at the cabin

Grammy was trying to see who could give the best bear hugs but was a bit overwhelmed when they decided to take on the challenge all at the same time.

Paul and Hunter are ready to go for a ride in the bright sun while PaPa wrangles Micah and Emmeline on the larger 4 wheeler.  

As the sun was setting there were a couple of large buck deer that came in close view.  The kids were amazed at how close they came and the reflection on the snow had a nice warm glow.

What a great way to get out of the valley smog and into the sunshine. We went up to Paul and Natalie's cabin in Fairview and spent the night with the family.  The grandkids did their thing which was to race around and make as much noise as possible while we sat around and had BBQ and relaxed. Mike and Rachel were there as well as Paul and Natalie so we had plenty of stuff to talk about.  Even though the temperature outside was hovering around the single digits we were nice and warm and cozy inside.  

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Photos of the week

Ok here goes my attempt at doing the blog thing. I am not one that can go on and on about the nature of things but I do like to get out and take pictures, enjoy nature and put my body through such torture  as 50 mile hikes and such. 
A little over a year ago I decided to revisit Havasupai Falls down in the bottom of the Grand Canyon. I had previously made the trip 2 years earlier with a groups of scouts. It is crazy how you forget the hard parts of the journey and only remember what a great place to relax and enjoy. As we hiked down we occasionally were passed by people who had chosen alternative ways to make the trip. They had their gear packed down on horses while they rode down. Some how this just didn't seem like an option to me.
Well this trip after hiking 8 miles down my legs decided to cramp up and I could barely make the last 2 miles.  It took me a couple of days to recuperate and climbed out with ease. I think the going down is more difficult than going up. Anyway here is a picture of myself and my son Nik at the start of the trail. Way to much stuff on my back. Most people probably took pocked sized cameras by not me. I had to take the big digital SLR with the assortment of lenses.  We ended up with ample food and clothing of which we could have done without but the photos and memories are priceless. What a great adventure. I will have to do that one again soon.