Sunday, July 19, 2009


Everything changes. A few weeks ago a group of us hiked down to Havasupai falls. It is the third time I have been down there in the last four years. This year it was amazing to see the change that last years flood caused to the area.
We started down the trail late in the afternoon just as the sun was setting thus avoiding the hottest part of the day.

Early the next morning we hit the trail again. We hiked about 7 miles to our camp site.
The camping areas were filled with trees that had died due to the influx of water.
You could see how the mud and water changed the area.

Mooney falls was drastically altered at its base. This year they added wire cages filled with rocks which will eventually be covered by silt and a hard crust of minerals. The pool at the base will be much bigger that the previous one which will allow for more picturesque reflections of the falls above and a larger swimming area. Though it will be altered by man it will still be a great scene.

Here is Havasupai falls before and after. The majority of the change was in the travertine pools at the base of the falls.
It will be interesting to see what changes await the next time we visit.


  1. These are spectacular photos. Sitting here looking at them is the way I like to camp!

  2. WOW! That is a huge change to those falls. Still though, it is pretty. :)
